What is in my Bag???

Sorry I haven’t posted in a while, I’ve had a few busy weekends of racing, then helping a mate out landscaping/tidying up their yard. Currently I am in transit to North America to race at 2 of the World Surfski Series events being the Canadian Surfski Championships and Gorge Paddling festival. For the next few weeks, I’ll be training in Seattle, Washington, hopefully it will be a lot warmer than the Sunshine Coast back home. If you would like to follow my trip on athlete Facebook or Instagram I have linked the sites below, I will be frequently posting pictures, videos and results to these social media sites, please like and follow.

Facebook- https://www.facebook.com/pages/Ryan-Paroz-Athlete/113256568736670?pnref=story 

I often get asked what do I pack in my back pack when go and race, either when I’m racing internationally or just when I do a local race. I’m typically an over packer when it comes to packing my bag, for example when I go to Surf Life Saving carnivals I tend to pack 3-4 pairs of togs, racing shorts and pink rashes. The reason for this is because I don’t like being in wet clothes so after every race I get changed into dry togs. over the last few months I’ve been trying to cut back on what I take to carnivals and races, just so then I don’t have a lot to carry around.

The picture below is a typical ocean ski race.

Firstly before this all ends up in my backpack I have to know what I need to take, I’ll start of by writing a list. Starting at my head I’ll work my way down listing Items I need, I need 2 hats, one for racing and one for after the race as I know my race hat will be wet. Next my glasses, I’ll pack both pairs just incase something happens to my first pair, then as we work down the body it comes to my shirts and race tops. In my bag I’ll usually pack my white craft thermal in short sleeves, and for sun protection I have a long sleeve Epic Kayaks rashie, most of the times I won’t have to pack a shirt as I’ll be wearing on to start with. Next is my Garmin 910xt GPS watch and optional heart rate strap, as we continue to work down the body, the next piece of clothing is my race togs, I’ve always  paddled in lycra togs made by FINZ, they are comfortable and they seem to last for a long time. On the outside of the togs I need racing shorts and pants, I pack both longs and shorts, depending on the weather will determine what style I paddle in. Most of the time I paddle in my 2XU longs seen with the blue “X” otherwise my short option is UnderArmour tights. Once again my trusty Bonds undies and my shorts I will be wearing so I don’t have to pack them, but I have to ensure I leave the house wearing them HAHA. After I have packed the more ‘essential’ items I’ll pack my Banana Boat Sport sunscreen, deodorant and towel, along with the inclusion of my Mocke paddling PFD, Epic leg leash and my most important tool my Performance Paddle.

If you are someone that likes to get to the event nice and early to do a warm up paddle then come back onto land talk to everyone then listen to the briefing, go back out onto the water, You might want to consider packing extra paddling gear to stay warm, especially in winter months, I find there is nothing worse than being wet and cold at a briefing, standing there shivering using energy to stay warm, then hopping onto the water cold and trying to warm up again. My suggestion is to bring another thermal top and new paddling pants so you can take it off and put the new ones on, or bring a warm jacket that you can throw over the top to keep the heat in. Also ensure you stay warm on and off the water as it can lead to sickness which will mean you can miss out on other racing and training cycles.  

If you have any questions in the products or even whats in my bag please feel free to ask me, my email is ryan.paroz12@gmail.com

2XU Compression Longs-  http://www.2xu.com

Perfromance Paddles- http://performancepaddles.com 

I hope you have a fantastic week on and off the water, I’ll be uploading pictures to my social media sites with where I’m training and the things I’ll be doing in the lead up to the events.


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