The equipment I use Part 2
Last week I wrote about the skis I paddle, this week, I am going to write about the equipment I use while I race and train. Every ski needs a paddle; I have always used Performance Paddles as they are made locally on the Sunshine Coast. All of my paddles are in the ‘CR’ layup, both of my blades (open ocean and kayak paddles) have a joiner in them, so it is easier to travel with them. If you want more information on the paddles and how to order yourself a new paddle I have attached the website below. In most ocean ski races you have to wear a suitable lifejacket or a Personal Floatation Device (PFD). After using a few different types of PFD’s I found the Mocke Racer PFD felt the most comfortable when I paddled and it didn’t let my body overheat. With 6 adjustment straps I find that the lifejacket fits perfectly around my upper body. Below I have attached the Mocke paddling website. Weekly Wrap up ...